Homes and Venues - Indoors

We have tried to provide some guideline safety measures for your proposed soft play or bouncy castle set up area, and make you aware of general risks and hazards to look out for.

Most of the below are found in nurseries, homes, play centres and schools - places that children safely visit and play in everyday - so there's nothing much to worry about, just a features and structures to take precautions against if possible.

1. Radiators, walls, pillars: Ideally, we wouldn't have to set up any of our soft play frames or play equipment directly next to these so that if any of the playing children fall they don't land against these. If there is no alternative then we will set up close to the wall, where possible, leaving a small gap around the perimeter to allow supervising adult(s) to walk around the whole of the play area (absolutely no shoes on our play areas please) to encourage carefulness while playing. A set up space in the middle of a room is generally better.

2. Tables and other furniture: These should ideally be placed away from the play area, possibly around the perimeter of the room away from the play area to allow for maximum visibility from all angles for supervision and prevent children bumping their heads against the bottom of tables if set up too close to the play area. Its also a good way to discourage more boisterous children from climbing furniture and attempting to jump in to ball ponds or any of the other play equipment in our soft play packages.

3. Opening and closing doors: Children are usually very well engaged on our soft play areas and tend to stay in them playing and having fun for the duration of the party unless called away however, if we have to set up our play area near constantly open and closing doors it is worth bearing in mind that children may wander away, especially with didicars and other ride-on toys. They may also have passing adults stepping over their play area with shoes or having doors constantly knocking in to them. Also be aware of little fingers getting caught in opening and closing doors.

4. Toilets: We won't set up our play equipment near toilets. Guests might accidentally walk over the mats with shoes from toilet floors which babies will crawl on. Need I say more?

5. Fire Exits: Needless to say, these MUST be kept clear with an unblocked pathway so play equipment ideally can't be set up in front of or in the path of access to the fire exit.

6. Setting up near food and kitchens: We avoid setting up our play equipment near kitchens or food tables. It encourages children to grab food and then take it to play or food dropping on our play equipment. As well as creating a choking hazard, no food and no drinks are allowed on our play area's at any time.

7. Stairs, platforms, steps and stages: We discourage setting up on any area that isn't fully flat. Again, its to prevent children from falling from a height, even if its one step, a crawling baby can tumble off and land in an unsafe and painful way. Play area needs to be on the same level and nowhere near a step or drop.

8. Disused fire places: Ideally these should be covered up if the play area is to be set up near by as children might be attracted by them, attempt to stand up and bump their heads.

9. Electricity Points and electrical extensions: If the play area is to be set up near a source of electricity that is not being used, do try to cover the electricity point (s) with safety covers if available. If you've hired an inflatable that needs a power source, we require a power source close by so wires can be tucked away and not be not trip hazards.

The above is not exhaustive but helps as a guide for you when deciding where to set up the play area that we bring. We're dedicated to the safety of your children and their guests and taking the above in to consideration really aids with that.

You must ensure set up area's are clean, and cleared of chairs and tables before we arrive to set up. Also read our Terms and Conditions of Hire for a smooth and efficient delivery.